Painting Resources2023-07-12T12:45:12-04:00

Your Trusted Local Painting Company

Painting Resources

Proudly Serving Piedmont, Oakland, Berkeley, CA, and the Surrounding California Suburbs

7 Great Eco-Friendly Interior Painting Tips for East Bay Residences

In the eco-conscious landscape of the East Bay region, homeowners are increasingly seeking ways to reduce their environmental footprint without compromising on style and comfort. One impactful avenue to achieve this balance is through eco-friendly interior painting. This guide explores sustainable paint options, low-VOC choices, and green painting techniques, [...]

November 28, 2023|

Top 8 Interior Painting Trends For Your Home

The world of interior design is constantly evolving, with each season bringing fresh trends and innovative ideas to transform your living spaces. This season, interior painting trends are all about embracing bold colors, experimenting with creative techniques, and exploring unique finishes. Let's dive into the hottest interior painting trends that [...]

October 19, 2023|

Top 10 Common Drywall Problems and Their Solutions

Drywall, a staple of modern home construction, provides smooth, clean walls and ceilings. However, over time, it's not uncommon for drywall to develop various issues that can mar its appearance and integrity. From minor dings to more significant structural concerns, understanding common drywall problems and their solutions is essential [...]

September 6, 2023|

Avoiding Common Mistakes with Interior Paint Finishes

Interior painting  might seem like a straightforward task, but there's more to it than slapping on a coat of color. The finish you choose can dramatically affect the end result. Even seasoned home decorators can slip up when it comes to selecting the right paint finish. But worry not; [...]

August 14, 2023|

10 Tips on How To Find The Best Painting Company Near You

Are you searching for a reputable painting company to transform your space with a fresh coat of paint? Finding the right painting company can make all the difference in achieving exceptional results and a stress-free experience. To help you in your search, we've compiled a list of X valuable [...]

August 7, 2023|

10 Tips for Selecting the Perfect Paint for Your Home

Painting your home can be a transformative experience, breathing new life into your space and reflecting your style. One of the most crucial decisions you'll make during the painting process is selecting the perfect paint color. With countless options available, it can feel overwhelming to choose the right one. [...]

July 12, 2023|